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How to write a business mission statement in 5 steps
Digital journalism is in a state of upheaval to say the least. Last summer, the New York Daily News let go of about half of the people staffing its newsroom. In the last few weeks, thousands of journalists have lost their jobs at well-known media outlets such as Yahoo, Vice, Buzzfeed and Huffington Post, to name a few....
Travel Tips, Entrepreneur travel, travel
Like every entrepreneur, you probably struggle to hit that off button on all the activity in your life. I’ve found traveling to be an effective way of putting a pause on the workday. But, you need travel tips for it actually work. Flying 500 miles per hour 30,000 feet above the world has a way...
meeting, tactics
Does this sound familiar to you? I saw on LinkedIn that an acquaintance who is more than a decade younger than I am has made it big as a successful startup founder. She just closed a big second round of funding. The same day, my alumni magazine came in the mail with an article on one of my...
As you may very well know, social media isn’t always easy to handle when it comes to marketing your business. You’ve read article after article on how to succeed and maintain relevancy in the social media world, but it can be hard to keep up with the ever-changing platforms. What follows are seven social media...
Small business owners need help, especially if they’re new to starting and growing a business. For some, that means seeking help from a more experienced colleague who can lead by example while for others, guidance comes in the form of networking events that connect them with professionals who’ve had similar experiences. While those methods are...
As crowdfunding took off, serious investors noted that something was missing from the process. While savvy investors want to put money into a promising crowdfunded product like Pebble or COOLEST Cooler, they want more than an early edition of the product or a branded T-shirt for their efforts. This difference has made crowdfunding more of...
Customer service is one of those things that you just can’t ignore if you’re aiming for success and longevity for your startup. Customer service in general is important to your company, because it is often the only contact a customer has with your business. Since that first contact is so critical, you want to make...
If repeat business is your goal, good customer service is essential. According to a recent survey, one bad customer service call will send most customers away permanently. Since repeat customers bring in more money than new customers on average, it’s important that businesses find ways to nurture their existing buyers and this includes the customer...
Insightful, personal stories are the most effective path to get people caring about your brand. As the Internet has become firmly ingrained in our lives, there’s never been a better chance to develop or grow a global business. However, the world wide web has created a more discerning customer who is not content to be simply a number....
Data has the power to strengthen everything businesses do, from the new products they launch to the marketing campaigns they use to promote those products. Gathering information and putting that information to use, even in HR, has become big business, creating jobs and cloud solutions. When a business is more informed before making decisions, that...
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About Me

I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsiderInc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…

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