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Social Media
Your experience as a startup founder or executive often comes down to how well you plan and the strategic decisions you make in an unpredictable world. If you’ve participated in a fantasy football league – you may have noticed how similar it can be at times to running a business. You’re always analyzing statistics, trying to predict...
instagram app on phone
Instagram is one of the most important marketing platforms for brands in 2021. Because user engagement corresponds with a greater reach to your target audience, Instagram business engagement should be the center of any growing business’s social media marketing strategy. Engagement is important because it is a key factor in Instagram’s post prioritization algorithm. This...
When you run your own business, you need to keep track of many moving parts. Many companies prioritize social media because of the massive reach potential and opportunities to connect with customers on a more personal level. There are downsides to advertising on social media, such as all the changes that brands must rapidly adapt...
Loyalty Marketing Branding Working Accounting Concept
Whether it be for marketing or morale, it is important for a business to develop a narrative. Working around a narrative provides a core of belief that employees and entrepreneurs alike can use to guide their decision-making. Using such a model reinforces the authenticity of a company which makes it easier to effectively build brand...
In the last several years, social media pods have become a popular strategy to get more attention and engagement through a social media channel’s algorithms. Although many pods involve people who already know each other, it’s also possible to create a niche or topic pod, find followers and then ask them to participate actively. It sounds like...
personal branding
You’ve perhaps heard a lot about branding a business, but how much time have you invested in building your personal brand? Just like a business’ brand helps form that company’s identity, your personal branding is part of how you market yourself. It can encompass everything from your experiences to your beliefs. And, when it’s done well,...
As you may very well know, social media isn’t always easy to handle when it comes to marketing your business. You’ve read article after article on how to succeed and maintain relevancy in the social media world, but it can be hard to keep up with the ever-changing platforms. What follows are seven social media...
You may have watched some those super-expensive Superbowl ads go viral over the years and lamented your own small (or nonexistent) marketing budget, knowing that kind of exposure is out of reach. Well, it may not be after all. After this year’s Superbowl, the Brewers’ Association, an industry group representing the majority of craft brewers...
Insightful, personal stories are the most effective path to get people caring about your brand. As the Internet has become firmly ingrained in our lives, there’s never been a better chance to develop or grow a global business. However, the world wide web has created a more discerning customer who is not content to be simply a number....
Research, author expertise and content length are all highly important in determining whether content is quality. It can be hard to recognize quality – whether it’s a product or content on the Internet. By definition, quality means “native excellence or superiority,” but what quality content looks like can be subjective and hard to determine. There are...
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About Me

I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsiderInc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…

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