
In 2020, students finished the final months of their school year online. The experience was frustrating and highlighted the problems with trying to keep kids focused on school and productivity. Now a new school year has begun, with many students (and parents) navigating online-only education once more. The new learning environment has already proven troublesome...
employees talking, communication
There are many aspects of business that get harder as you grow, but that doesn’t make them any less important. One such aspect is communication. The more employees you have, the harder it is to connect with all of them openly. However, if you want to keep a healthy work environment, effectively communicating with everyone...
At the end of a busy day it can be easy to find yourself overwhelmed by the volume of tasks you may still have left to do. Your first instinct might be to shut your computer off as soon as you wrap up and get as far away from the office as possible. However, this...
morning routine
Your morning routine. They’re all the rage right now. Tim Ferriss makes his bed, meditates, does push-ups, writes in his journal and drinks water. Gary Vaynerchuk’s morning ritual takes three hours to complete. The way you start your morning often dictates how the rest of your day goes. Smart entrepreneurs know they need to take...
productivity, woman, computer, efficiency
Regardless of what industry you’re in, meetings are essential to both in-office and remote team communication. They’re the sole means by which team members receive information, solve problems, and come up with new ideas. This makes them one of the main components in achieving group goals and producing higher-quality work. However, meetings aren’t always as...
workplace productivity
In every business, workplace productivity is key to success. The more focused your employees are on their tasks, the higher the quality of their work will be. They’ll also be able to stay on schedule with all their activities and handle setbacks that appear unexpectedly. However, it can be a struggle to help your staff...
As most startup founders and entrepreneurs can tell you these days, meeting hangovers are real. During the COVID-19 pandemic, people are holding online meetings or webinars for everything from work, to happy hours with friends, to therapy sessions or even working out. A large number of these meetings can seriously deplete your precious resources. One...
Curiosity may have killed the cat, as the old maxim goes, but it can also fuel productivity growth. Curiosity plays a part in creative thinking, which in turn helps you solve problems more efficiently and improves workplace productivity levels. A 2018 review of recent research in Harvard Business Review shows that when organizations and entrepreneurs encourage curiosity at all...
employees talking, communication
Meaningful discussions at work matter because we spend so much time there. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American works 34.5 weekly hours, or roughly 20 percent of each week. Assuming workers get an average of seven hours of sleep a night, that means we spend almost 30 percent of all our waking time on the job....
Many entrepreneurs use morning and nighttime rituals to help unlock their potential. Finding the routines that work best for you will help you turbo-charge your productivity, efficiency and well-being. However, simply winding down well at night and preparing for work in the morning doesn’t ensure you’ll have a killer productive day. Eight or more hours of...
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About Me

I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsiderInc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…

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