
cellphone coverage, dead zones
If you don’t know, “dead zones” are any location where you can’t receive a Wi-Fi or cell signal. Working in a warehouse environment, large office, or remote area often means you experience dead zones in certain parts of your workplace. Dead zones lead to a significant loss in productivity, but there are a few ways...
woman explaining work project to group
Your company’s culture impacts your training processes and how empowered and engaged your employees feel during their workday. For these reasons, it’s crucial to instill a healthy culture in your company. In doing so, you’ll provide everyone you work with the resources and tools they need to thrive and contribute positively to your business. So...
modern office design
When it comes to pulling in new talent and making the most of your resources, your office design is the key to success. Not only does a solid workplace layout make a great first impression, it also ensures that your team is as productive as possible. This is why letting this environment fall behind, in...
collaboration, teamwork, team
There is an old saying that “many hands make light work.” That is a primary benefit of collaboration, which helps drive productivity across teams and throughout a company. The result can mean a more efficient workflow that may drive greater cash flow. Whether you have in-house employees, a remote team or a combination of those, a collaborative...
feedback, meeting
As a manager, members of your team expect and even crave your feedback. Similarly, senior managers (or least those who are any good at their jobs) welcome feedback from junior professionals. They know it can help them transform into better leaders. But providing comments or assessments laterally is a challenging workplace problem. Startup founders, entrepreneurs and other professionals often...
money, salary, cash, pay
I’ve always thought about what makes salary negotiations so stressful, partly because of my own mixed success in that exercise over the years. In most cases, I felt as though I deserved a raise when the conversation finally arrived. But when you’re forced to sit across from your boss, the situation becomes challenging. Your palms sweat,...
boss, coffee, worker, employee, smile
Just a few years ago, millennials surpassed Generation Xers to become the largest cohort in the United States workforce, according to PEW research. As a result, more and more young people are assuming positions of management. Being managed by a younger boss can feel uncomfortable. I have to admit, I get into the habit of...
You’ve likely seen the TV shows about people with extreme hoarding habits. You may even have this tendency yourself. A hoarder’s home is stuffed with items ranging from old magazines to clothes to collectibles. The hoarder’s inability to part with items makes living conditions quite difficult. But as reality shows reveal, these folks can’t easily...
It can be difficult to remain professionally detached when you work closely with other people every day. It’s only natural that emotions get the better of you at times, whether you’re a boss or an employee. But nobody likes to be yelled at ,and even occasional yelling could earn your company a bad reputation. When the yelling starts,...
Chances are good that you know at least once narcissist, whether it’s a coworker, a family member or a friend. Sometimes that person is even your boss. Narcissistic traits include egotism, excessive confidence, lack of empathy and aggression. Such people show a marked preference for their own opinions and are very sensitive to any and all criticism. Why narcissism is not all...
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About Me

I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsiderInc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…

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