
company culture
Company culture is without a doubt one of the top job benefits for employees. Free snacks and good vacation time make a difference, but how you interact with your supervisors and the environment that results from that is what can keep an employee on board when pay raises and bonuses aren’t a regular thing. But for the increasing...
imposter syndrome, frustrated worker, burnout
Garfield was correct about two things: first, lasagna is excellent. Second, Mondays can be a real drag. They’re the start of the workweek for most of us and they carry the depressing reminder that your weekend is officially over. But, if you want to live a happy life, you should see the positive side. Monday...
united team standing in sun
Despite the many benefits tied to teamwork, research into the subject is contributing to conflicting ideas. It turns out that teamwork does not always work. Not in situations when absolute creativity is required, where people find it better to work alone, or times when teams are doomed to fail.  For instance, big teams tend to ...
stop racism, act now
Today’s businesses can no longer afford to stay silent on injustice. The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others ignited a long-smoldering firestorm in the U.S. It triggered a much-needed debate and discussion about the ways systemic racism harms and holds back members of the Black community in this country and all over the...
woman explaining work project to group
Your company’s culture impacts your training processes and how empowered and engaged your employees feel during their workday. For these reasons, it’s crucial to instill a healthy culture in your company. In doing so, you’ll provide everyone you work with the resources and tools they need to thrive and contribute positively to your business. So...
Employee pulse surveys have become more and more popular in recent years. Companies large and small, domestic and international, and across a wide range of industries use pulse surveys. These surveys measure employee engagement and their attitudes about company culture. Putting thought into pulse survey questions can make them effective tools in helping steer your...
In these tumultuous times, it’s important more than ever to develop a company culture where people can feel both joyful and productive in person. You typically want to team members to feel comfortable relaxing around both bosses and coworkers. An office party and other events like it are undeniably still a part of this equation....
office furniture
Quality office furniture plays a fundamental role in how your team completes their daily tasks and, therefore, how your business operates. So, when your older, worn-down pieces are no longer accomplishing what you need them to, it’s crucial that you find quality replacements for them. Fortunately, we can help you determine some of the best...
With limited funds, increased physical distance and general uncertainty, you might find it difficult to even consider employee rewards and recognition right now. Yet it’s arguably more important than ever to acknowledge those who continue to commit to their work, whether they are on the front lines or working from home. If you need some inspiration for...
Work Anniversary Ideas for Employees
As a manager with deadlines, projects and budgets, finding time to mark employee anniversaries is challenging. But neglecting them can have detrimental effects on a company’s culture. Day-to-day responsibilities can interfere with the important, but less frequent, task of honoring years of service. It’s time to come up with some work anniversary gift ideas. Gifts...
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About Me

I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsiderInc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…

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