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November 5 is right around the corner. That means it’ll be time to turn your clocks back an hour to observe the end of daylight saving time (DST). Daylight saving time was created to maximize the daylight hours during the spring and summer months, but switching back and forth can take its toll on the human...
A little self-care for the body and mind are essential to business success as well as personal fulfillment. While wholesale lifestyle changes are one way to accomplish that goal, you can also substitute smaller changes and still see impressive benefits. Practicing the self-care habit helps you avoid health issues that keep you from working (or...
A just-released research report from Fiverr finds more than 40 percent of freelancers see health insurance as the most pressing issue they’re facing leading up to the 2018 midterm elections. 41 percent say freelancer healthcare benefits are a key reason why they maintain a full-time job. The online freelance platform interviewed more than 1,200 freelancers for “The Freelance...
You’ve likely read the studies saying that those who wake up earlier are more successful. You may even have set the goal to adjust your wake-up time, sure that an extra hour or two at the start of the day is all you need. But deciding to wake up early and actually following through are two different things. If...
In the digital age, we have a lot to distract us. There’s always something vying for our attention, and it’s gotten to the point that for many of us, our mind is racing all day. Shutting it down has become a real trial. A restful night may seem like an impossibility to you at this...
Right now we’re experiencing a bit of a contraction in the tech ecosystem, as many companies announce layoffs and venture capitalists slow down their investing. In my opinion this is just a natural, appropriate reaction to a lack of strong business fundamentals among some companies and not a precursor to a major collapse of some sort....
If you work for a living, your life is most likely filled with noise. From the time your alarm goes off in the morning to the time you go to bed at night, there’s very little silence. Yet too much noise has been linkedto dangerous health conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease. Persistent...
Traditionally, when employers have sought to reward top performers, they’ve relied on money. Whether in the form of a raise or a bonus, adding to your existing pay is one of the best ways to keep you around and make you feel appreciated. However, many small businesses are struggling to make budget on the revenue they...
It’s one of the latest innovations in wearable technology and just had a very successful IPO. Fitbit monitors your fitness, keeps you motivated, and basically reports back how much of a couch potato you are. This fitness tracker is one of the wearable tech options with the longest battery life, lasting up to five days...

About Me

I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsiderInc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…

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