
Kevin Smith has always been on the somewhat forefront of social media and advertising. I’m not sure that’s the best way to put it…more like he uses unconventional means to get his message across. I’m sure you all remember the whole Southwest debacle that he took to Twitter and his blog. And if you haven’t...
wikileak say no evil
Courage to Resist, the support group set up for raising funds in support of U.S. Army Pfc. Bradley Manning (the man behind a large number of the recent WikiLeaks documents), has been closed down. “We’ve been in discussions with PayPal for weeks, and by their own admission there’s no legal obligation for them to close...
chicken, road, why did the chicken cross the road
I think someone probably sent this one to me in an email back in 2011. It’s a review of how various figures in popular culture and history might answer the question, “why did the chicken cross the road?” To me it reads a bit like a time capsule at this point. In 2011, Barack Obama...
One of the interesting things about Craig Ferguson is that, not only does he semi ad-lib his way through extremely funny monologues most nights, he also periodically injects his humor with life or history lessons. He did this one night when he started the Late Late Show by explaining, in a very succinct manner, why...
If you are active on you receive a steady stream of email notifications telling you that people are now following your account, because they are “interested in what you are up to on Digg!” or some such. Well as if that steady stream of “fan following” wasn’t enough… it’s apparently started coming from the...
My whole life is about META. I worked at TV stations so long that at times I felt more interested in TV station culture and life than I was with the actual delivering of the information. The latest gossip about where a reporter or news director had just gotten a new job always enthralled me....
There has been a lot of talk all over the internet about the wonderful development at SF Weekly, the San Francisco alternative weekly newspaper, where Alexia Tsotsis is arriving Monday after her sojourn at LA Weekly to become a web editor in the City by the Bay. I am super excited to get to work...
As I was reading about the life of Nixon speech writer William Safire yesterday, I came across this little piece written by Ted Pease with “Today’s Word” that I knew I had to show here. In my time as a journalist there are things I learned that I MUST pay attention to, like spelling and...
This is another classic post from Then-Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez would pass away 5 years after this story went live in 2008. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is recalling his ambassador from Washington. The move comes less than a day after Bolivia’s leftist president, Evo Morales, ordered the U.S. ambassador on Wednesday to leave the...

About Me

I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsiderInc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…

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