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cellphone coverage, dead zones
If you don’t know, “dead zones” are any location where you can’t receive a Wi-Fi or cell signal. Working in a warehouse environment, large office, or remote area often means you experience dead zones in certain parts of your workplace. Dead zones lead to a significant loss in productivity, but there are a few ways...
woman explaining work project to group
Your company’s culture impacts your training processes and how empowered and engaged your employees feel during their workday. For these reasons, it’s crucial to instill a healthy culture in your company. In doing so, you’ll provide everyone you work with the resources and tools they need to thrive and contribute positively to your business. So...
It’s not uncommon for founders and early employees to think about their companies in deeply personal ways. Some of my friends talk about their work the way other friends discuss their children. In some ways, this can be positive. A deep level of care for your business increases the effort you put in and the...
collaboration, teamwork, team
There is an old saying that “many hands make light work.” That is a primary benefit of collaboration, which helps drive productivity across teams and throughout a company. The result can mean a more efficient workflow that may drive greater cash flow. Whether you have in-house employees, a remote team or a combination of those, a collaborative...
Office workers everywhere suffer from similar back problems, often due to long periods of sitting in poorly-designed chairs. If we consider that many of us will spend approximately as much time per day seated at work as we will lie in bed, it stands to reason that we should give buying an office chair at...
If you’re an entrepreneur in charge of a growing business, you eventually will be required to hire employees. Ideally, these people will take some of the workload off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on meeting with clients and growing the company. Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned. That worker who showed such promise...
In my time working for and writing about startups, I’ve observed that people who deserve a raise the most are often the least likely to ask for one. It seems like every organization has that one workhorse who completes large numbers of tasks but who doesn’t seem to know their own worth. Sometimes people forget...
Everyone wants to move up the career ladder, taking on larger roles, getting more advanced titles, and definitely making that larger paycheck. However, your attitude might be the very reason that’s not happening. While you may think you are working hard and doing what is expected, you may not realize that you are exhibiting behaviors that...
When you hear his footsteps, you’re filled with dread. You just know your overbearing boss is on his way to ask you if you’ve finished that report yet. He’ll no doubt have six or seven things he needs to add to it, only extending the completion time further. That won’t matter, though, because he’ll check...
Happy worker working from a coffee shop workplace freedom
How flexible is your workplace? Think about it. What do you offer your employees? Do they get some say in their hours and where they are located to work? Does your company offer employees the option of choosing how often they work, or perhaps allow employees to take a temporary leave of absence when necessary?...
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About Me

I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsiderInc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…

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