
Growing a Business
Forming strategic partnerships is essential for business growth. While partnerships with suppliers, vendors or affiliates are well-known, teaming up with expert coaches and mentors in your industry is often overlooked. These influential figures have cultivated loyal followings of individuals actively seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge. Aligning your business with the right coaching partners lets you...
In today’s crowded entrepreneurial landscape, it often feels like we’re drowning in a flood of new contacts and endless networking events. The pressure to meet as many people as possible can be overwhelming. But amidst all the hustle and bustle, there’s a significant shift happening. Many now realize that it’s not about collecting new contacts. Instead, it’s...
Are you having trouble attracting good employees? It’s become a big problem for many companies in today’s job market. A lot of hiring managers say posting ads on job boards and employment sites simply don’t draw many quality applicants. If you’re feeling like it’s time to get creative, here are some underrated hiring strategies you...
Muhammad Ali, Tom Brady, Babe Ruth and Michael Jordan are some of the greatest professional athletes the world has ever known, but even these legends occasionally dropped the ball (as it were). It’s only natural, then, that your team members will occasionally do the same. Even the best employees will occasionally miss out on an...
Brands originally used influencer marketing mainly for brand awareness or to shift their customer’s shopping behavior and overall perceptions of the brand (sometimes called brand lift). Today, we’ve moved well beyond those more limited early days. With the potential for returns of 20x the initial investment, many brands see the advantages in working with influencers, from niche to...
Sometimes marketing is a relatively simple process. But what if the product or service you’re trying to promote and market is … well, to put it bluntly, boring? Lisa Schwarz, senior director of global product marketing at Oracle NetSuite, knows quite a bit about this challenge. Her job is to market software that handles some of...

About Me

I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsiderInc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…

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