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How to write an effective executive summary
The executive summary is a staple of every business plan. Typically, it makes the first impression on an audience and is critically important for capturing the reader’s attention. No matter how strong the rest of your business plan might be, a weak summary can dissuade a potential investor or stakeholder from reading further. So your executive...
business risk, risk, business risks, risks
Running a business takes hard work, which can reap the rewards of customers, revenue and satisfaction. While success is the ultimate goal, business risks may stop you from achieving the goals you set. When it comes to risk management, there are steps you can take, however. Here are seven types of business risk you may...
You’ve likely seen the TV shows about people with extreme hoarding habits. You may even have this tendency yourself. A hoarder’s home is stuffed with items ranging from old magazines to clothes to collectibles. The hoarder’s inability to part with items makes living conditions quite difficult. But as reality shows reveal, these folks can’t easily...
Small business owners need help, especially if they’re new to starting and growing a business. For some, that means seeking help from a more experienced colleague who can lead by example while for others, guidance comes in the form of networking events that connect them with professionals who’ve had similar experiences. While those methods are...
Not only does the outside world judge a company based on the performance of its CEO, so do the employees. If you’re a CEO and you think your team needs a boost in morale, ask yourself, “Why would customers and employees rally behind me?” We’ve all heard stories of or even worked for companies that...
Whether you’re the top of the professional food chain or an employee running your first meeting, it’s important to own the meeting. This will let everyone knows who’s in charge and who they can turn to with questions or problems. Here are 25 ways you can own any meeting and be a better leader for...
Data has the power to strengthen everything businesses do, from the new products they launch to the marketing campaigns they use to promote those products. Gathering information and putting that information to use, even in HR, has become big business, creating jobs and cloud solutions. When a business is more informed before making decisions, that...
Many entrepreneurs seek to keep their business in the family. It’s a natural impulse. Your successor will be the steward of the business you built, and who better to care for your legacy than your own children? Plus, it appeals to the desire to provide for your family and help them succeed. Unfortunately, recent research...
Happy New Year 2016
As 2015 winds to a close, it's time to look at some simple strategies for improving various areas of your business operations.
happy business
Have you ever wondered if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Stop second guessing yourself, because doctors may have found the answer. A team of psychologists in Germany and Switzerland published a report in 2013 that detailed the four major personality traits often shared by successful entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs. They also...
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About Me

I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsiderInc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…

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