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In 2020, students finished the final months of their school year online. The experience was frustrating and highlighted the problems with trying to keep kids focused on school and productivity. Now a new school year has begun, with many students (and parents) navigating online-only education once more. The new learning environment has already proven troublesome...
Many companies have transitioned to fully allowing employees to work from both home and from the office if they choose. This model has become more popular partly because employees like the flexibility of staying home, but they also like the option to switch up their space and mingle with coworkers. People like alternating their workplace...
Ask around, and you’ll find that many professionals don’t feel they work in the most optimistic or fun-loving environment these days. The ongoing health crisis continues to make working from home feel increasingly normal and has further reduced coworker relationships to on-screen interactions. The fact of the matter is, work relationships are evolving, and they...
Mornings can be hard. If you’re trying to transition to a more productive morning routine, there will be inevitably be obstacles and setbacks. Keep in mind that with forming any new habit, making gradual changes over time is more realistic. Those types of changes are more likely to stick. Show yourself forgiveness the first time(s)...
At the end of a busy day it can be easy to find yourself overwhelmed by the volume of tasks you may still have left to do. Your first instinct might be to shut your computer off as soon as you wrap up and get as far away from the office as possible. However, this...
productivity, woman, computer, efficiency
Regardless of what industry you’re in, meetings are essential to both in-office and remote team communication. They’re the sole means by which team members receive information, solve problems, and come up with new ideas. This makes them one of the main components in achieving group goals and producing higher-quality work. However, meetings aren’t always as...
workplace productivity
In every business, workplace productivity is key to success. The more focused your employees are on their tasks, the higher the quality of their work will be. They’ll also be able to stay on schedule with all their activities and handle setbacks that appear unexpectedly. However, it can be a struggle to help your staff...
As most startup founders and entrepreneurs can tell you these days, meeting hangovers are real. During the COVID-19 pandemic, people are holding online meetings or webinars for everything from work, to happy hours with friends, to therapy sessions or even working out. A large number of these meetings can seriously deplete your precious resources.One of...
weight loss, fitness, work-life balance, gym, weights
Between sitting at a desk, commuting to work, and perusing our mobile devices, entrepreneurs can be quite sedentary. This lack of movement contributes to obesity and other health issues, both mental and physical, that so many of us experience. Obesity also impacts both profits and productivity. A 2017 review of 50 studies on the subject in the medical...
person using tablet, new technology
New technology is created each day to augment life and business. Computing capability is becoming more efficient and powerful by the minute. This trend gives all of us, everywhere, access to incredible innovations and valuable information. Many company leaders struggle to embrace new technology quickly. However, it’s important to understand that a computer can accomplish certain tasks better and faster than you can....
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About Me

I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsiderInc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…

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