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content marketing
Many content marketing writers and strategists focus exclusively on creating new content. That makes sense, given the constant reminders of how much search engines love fresh new content. The result is a constant sense of pressure to keep filling the content pipeline, publishing fresh pieces to attract new users, and persuade fence-sitting prospects. Yet, this...
Successful content writing for brand marketing requires two key factors that can sometimes conflict with each other: First, the content must be easily read, in the way that people have always read text content on the web (i.e., scanning). Second, the content must also be written so that search engines want to reward it with...
content marketing
There’s no question that the current health and economic crisis has shifted priorities for small businesses. However, one priority above all remains unchanged and that’s building a healthy bottom line. Profit isn’t the only priority, of course, but it’s a major focus. Staying profitable means staying in business, and that usually means marketing. Yet with...
In the last several years, social media pods have become a popular strategy to get more attention and engagement through a social media channel’s algorithms. Although many pods involve people who already know each other, it’s also possible to create a niche or topic pod, find followers and then ask them to participate actively. It sounds like...
When you think about it, websites have made giant improvements in appearance over the years. In the ’90s, businesses merely rushed to set up an online presence, resulting in an Internet full of electronic brochures. The look and feel of sites has changed tremendously, much of it with the goal of giving customers a better experience. Potential buyers...
remote work, laptop
Seasoned entrepreneurs and bloggers might find this advice to be the most obvious thing in the world, but to those who are new at the big, bad world of entrepreneurship, blogging, specifically what the blog should be about, can be intimidating and full of unknowns. Too many times, readers will come across business blogs that ramble,...
Research, author expertise and content length are all highly important in determining whether content is quality. It can be hard to recognize quality – whether it’s a product or content on the Internet. By definition, quality means “native excellence or superiority,” but what quality content looks like can be subjective and hard to determine. There are...
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About Me

I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsiderInc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…

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