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small business
Patience is a quality that tops the list of healthy, positive virtues alongside honesty, kindness, and empathy. These virtues are generally considered to be hallmarks of a good, moral person, but they’re considered virtues for another reason, too: People usually struggle to embody them on a daily basis. The virtue of patience can be one...
content marketing
There’s no question that the current health and economic crisis has shifted priorities for small businesses. However, one priority above all remains unchanged and that’s building a healthy bottom line. Profit isn’t the only priority, of course, but it’s a major focus. Staying profitable means staying in business, and that usually means marketing. Yet with...
Knowing where to reach target audience members and customers has always been critical for marketers and publicists. In both cases, the GPS points to digital channels where consumers and businesses choose to research, shop, and interact with brands. During 2020, the shift to digital channels increased as in-store shopping and brand experiences were somewhat limited....
The entire digital payments landscape has faced significant structural changes over the last few years and keeps growing as a valuable payment option for shoppers worldwide. Now, with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus causing operational adjustments everywhere, more companies are adopting global payment solutions to fuel growth and remain profitable. As companies continue to digitize their operations, online...
When it comes to client relationships, you may well focus on building a base of good clients for the long term. As a freelancer and business owner, you understand that having a solid base of clients means consistent cash flow. Over time, you can opt to add new clients or expand existing client relationships. However,...
online marketing expert, typing
The Internet is filled with information — but only some of it is accurate. The rest of it ranges from unsupported opinions masquerading as fact to outright “fake news” from fraudsters who claim to have expert advice with credible data. In some cases, these sources are obvious in their lack of credibility, but others are more...
Online file storage is a must-have for any business or entrepreneur. With cloud backup, you can avoid file loss and restore your device if it’s ever damaged. Cloud storage also makes collaborating with team members easier since they can access files remotely. Plus, remote access means you can access files anywhere and on any device. But cloud...
7 Tips for Successful Online Networking
The meaningful connections and conversations you have as a small business owner help you build a network of people who may become customers, employees (or contractors), investors, or sources of new opportunities. Those new connections and conversations build trust and respect, helping you reach the right people and generate new prospects for yourself and your...
online cpa, taxes, cash, calculator
By George Birrell of Taxhub The following is a sponsored content post. Due to the global pandemic, extended closures for businesses, and a generally drastic change in lifestyle for most if not all of us, the Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service extended the time period for U.S. taxpayers to file tax returns.  The deadline...
Small-business owners who prefer to pay estimated taxes as part of their overall tax strategy face an updated payment approach for 2020. Many may need to revisit their estimated payments for the first two quarters, which now have updated deadlines extended by the IRS. Learn how to calibrate your approach to tax payments this year...
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About Me

I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsiderInc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…

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