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For managers, an open-door policy means employees feel free to approach them at any time with questions or concerns. For employees, an open-door policy is no longer a choice, since open-plan offices have removed cubicle walls in many workplaces. While “collaboration” is now the buzzword of almost every workforce, it comes at the expense of productivity....
As you may very well know, social media isn’t always easy to handle when it comes to marketing your business. You’ve read article after article on how to succeed and maintain relevancy in the social media world, but it can be hard to keep up with the ever-changing platforms. What follows are seven social media...
No matter the position or industry that you’re involved with, writing has become a requirement for almost each and every one of us. Whether it’s a text, social media update, blog post, or email, we rely on written messages to communicate with each other. While it may not seem like a major concern, making even...
Office workers everywhere suffer from similar back problems, often due to long periods of sitting in poorly-designed chairs. If we consider that many of us will spend approximately as much time per day seated at work as we will lie in bed, it stands to reason that we should give buying an office chair at...
As if the pressure to develop and deliver a presentation that excites your audience weren’t enough, trying to impress your boss with that presentation is a whole other set of concerns. In most cases, if you plan with your organization’s goals in mind, you shouldn’t have a problem delivering a presentation that your boss will...
Small business owners need help, especially if they’re new to starting and growing a business. For some, that means seeking help from a more experienced colleague who can lead by example while for others, guidance comes in the form of networking events that connect them with professionals who’ve had similar experiences. While those methods are...
Not only does the outside world judge a company based on the performance of its CEO, so do the employees. If you’re a CEO and you think your team needs a boost in morale, ask yourself, “Why would customers and employees rally behind me?” We’ve all heard stories of or even worked for companies that...
If you’re an entrepreneur in charge of a growing business, you eventually will be required to hire employees. Ideally, these people will take some of the workload off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on meeting with clients and growing the company. Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned. That worker who showed such promise...
people working in office, office workflow
When it comes to recruitment, innovative companies like Google, Facebook and IBM have raised the bar for businesses all over the world. There is now more pressure than ever before — and higher expectations on both sides of the equation — to recruit and retain motivated, talented, and friendly employees. As such, the return on...
In the digital age, we have a lot to distract us. There’s always something vying for our attention, and it’s gotten to the point that for many of us, our mind is racing all day. Shutting it down has become a real trial. A restful night may seem like an impossibility to you at this...
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About Me

I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsiderInc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…

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