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millennials, teamwork
According to a Pew Research Center analysis of 2017 U.S. Census Bureau data, the largest section of the workforce is comprised of millennials, at 35 percent. This population segment is critical for nearly every company’s success, a fact that presents challenges as well as opportunities. But managers and business owners should embrace hiring millennials and learn how...
imposter syndrome, frustrated worker, burnout
There are certain things you may have thought or asked that indicate you have some form of career imposter syndrome. For example, “How soon before they figure out that I’m not meant to be here?” “I was promoted by a mistake.” “I was hired because they forgot to ask one question that would have ended...
There’s been a trend in recent decades toward open office spaces. This is great for collaborative work because you don’t have to go anywhere to have a quick conversation with your colleagues. However, when you need to focus and get some independent work done, it can be difficult to do so with all the noises of...
Office workers everywhere suffer from similar back problems, often due to long periods of sitting in poorly-designed chairs. If we consider that many of us will spend approximately as much time per day seated at work as we will lie in bed, it stands to reason that we should give buying an office chair at...
Not only does the outside world judge a company based on the performance of its CEO, so do the employees. If you’re a CEO and you think your team needs a boost in morale, ask yourself, “Why would customers and employees rally behind me?” We’ve all heard stories of or even worked for companies that...
If you’re an entrepreneur in charge of a growing business, you eventually will be required to hire employees. Ideally, these people will take some of the workload off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on meeting with clients and growing the company. Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned. That worker who showed such promise...
The freelancer economy is on the rise, with some experts estimating that 40 percent of the American workforce will work independently by 2020. For the many people already embracing the lifestyle, “office” means a variety of things. It could be a desk at a co-working space or a table at the local Starbucks. But in...
In my time working for and writing about startups, I’ve observed that people who deserve a raise the most are often the least likely to ask for one. It seems like every organization has that one workhorse who completes large numbers of tasks but who doesn’t seem to know their own worth. Sometimes people forget...
In every office, break rooms serve as a gathering place for employees to get away from their work for a few minutes. Whether they’re getting coffee or eating lunch, workers eventually begin to see the break room as a retreat, especially if the room has been specifically designed to be warm and inviting. For employers,...
flow state, man thinking, positivity
Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is perhaps best known for saying that a state of consciousness that makes an experience genuinely satisfying can be called a “flow state.” I often see people complaining about not having focus and not being able to concentrate on one thing. While some say they are pros at multi-tasking, it can be...
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About Me

I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsiderInc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…

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