The daily routine, and even drudgery, of life sometimes beats our dreams out of us, a little bit at a time. Before we know it, we’ve lost the drive we once propelled us to achieve our goals. Inspiration is what drives creativity, innovation and progress of all types. Inspired people design a better mousetrap, create iconic...
Your morning routine. They’re all the rage right now. Tim Ferriss makes his bed, meditates, does push-ups, writes in his journal and drinks water. Gary Vaynerchuk’s morning ritual takes three hours to complete. The way you start your morning often dictates how the rest of your day goes. Smart entrepreneurs know they need to take...
About Me
I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsider, Inc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…