
Tech Culture
So when my mother first bought an Apple IIc back in the day, one of the main things that we got it for, aside from me being able to play King’s Quest II or whatever, was that my Dad could learn how to use the mouse and keyboard better. My Dad had been a security...
“Diggers don’t die we multiply.” – Neal Rodriguez I’ve been getting a lot of requests from people on what they should do to get started with a publisher account on the new version of Digg. I’m really not interested in saying too much myself – since it can all be said relatively easily by my...
My trip to New York City to speak at the Twitter140 Conference in June, 2009 was one of the most fun experiences I have had in my years of working in social media. I had recently started my job at Village Voice Media at the time, and was sent to represent the company in the...
An axiom is a declarative statement about reality. Merriam Webster calls it a “an established rule or principle or a self-evident truth.” There’s something about these things that makes them among the best tweets. I guess I just enjoy reading insightful statements by people. Honestly, when I see someone write axiomatic tweets, that causes me...
The following post first appeared on the site at this link. It’s a great site and I am going to be an ongoing contributor. In all the years I have been involved with news organizations, whether they be radio, TV or print, most of my bosses haven’t been very internet savvy. In recent years...
My whole life is about META. I worked at TV stations so long that at times I felt more interested in TV station culture and life than I was with the actual delivering of the information. The latest gossip about where a reporter or news director had just gotten a new job always enthralled me....
dick chicken, brooklyn based
Here’s another classic post from This one went live in December of 2009. The “dick chicken” trend never captured the popular imagination, near as we can tell. It’s rare these days that you come upon a new meme in its infancy — or to be honest just another bizarre oddity that makes you laugh...
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About Me

I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsiderInc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…

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