One of the most beneficial aspects of the information age is the unprecedented accessibility it provides to our era’s most successful people. A hundred years ago, to get finance tips from an extremely successful person, you would have needed a personal introduction. Even then, you had no guarantee of learning what you really wanted to...
We all know there’s a healthy hacker culture in the entrepreneurial world. For decades, coders have hacked their way to creating new products and businesses. More recently we’ve heard about “growth hackers” attempting to increase the size and reach of their companies. Or “bio hackers” who take Soylent or stick to certain diets to keep the weight off. Recently, I’ve started...
In my time working for and writing about startups, I’ve observed that people who deserve a raise the most are often the least likely to ask for one. It seems like every organization has that one workhorse who completes large numbers of tasks but who doesn’t seem to know their own worth. Sometimes people forget...
The twenty-first century, with it’s manic economic highs and vicious lows, has been rough on the U.S. As of 2015, unemployment was actually somewhat high even though it looks low, huge corporations were hoarding money rather than raising wages, and banking scandals made headlines. From currency-rigging lawsuits against international players, to JP Morgan Chase’s illegal...
In a time when savings accounts once offered virtually no interest earned, people are still wary of anything but the safest stock options. Even CDs provide a dismal return unless you promise to lock away your investment for a lifetime. Is it any wonder why some savers go old school? They hide money in a...
I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsider, Inc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…