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IT workers, especially engineers, are often thought to be shy, more compartmentalized or less collaborative in their work style. That’s a stereotype though. Technology fields can be just as much of a hotbed of competition and dysfunction as anything you can imagine in industry, business, or government. Deep down inside, our brains are all about turf, and that mind-set...
Many entrepreneurs seek to keep their business in the family. It’s a natural impulse. Your successor will be the steward of the business you built, and who better to care for your legacy than your own children? Plus, it appeals to the desire to provide for your family and help them succeed. Unfortunately, recent research...
The most successful entrepreneurs tend to surround themselves with the best tools and information. You can find much of it online. Everyone has gaps in their knowledge or capabilities. Being aware of valuable web destinations can help you compensate in areas that you’re working on. They also can help you achieve even more in your areas of strength. Here...
Work Life Balance
The latest statistics aren’t promising for companies trying to keep their workers productive. A recent study shows a disturbing trend among U.S. workers, primarily those at the very top of their organizations. According to Theresa Welbourne of the USC Marshall School of Business, 61 percent of current business leaders say they’re not working at ideal energy levels. An additional...
failure in business, no promotion
Let’s say you or someone you know at a start-up wants a promotion. Entrepreneurs often stay motivated to grow in their careers, and promotions are part of growth in the workplace. There are differences between someone who simply wishes to be promoted and someone who is actively seeking a promotion. Many times, someone with more merit will...
Happy worker working from a coffee shop workplace freedom
How flexible is your workplace? Think about it. What do you offer your employees? Do they get some say in their hours and where they are located to work? Does your company offer employees the option of choosing how often they work, or perhaps allow employees to take a temporary leave of absence when necessary?...
office worker fight, punch, office fight
How your coworkers perceive you can be vitally important to your career. Someone perceived as overly timid might get passed over for management positions, while a person who comes off as overly abrasive may find it difficult to acquire a cooperative team, or one that wants to work with them at all. Research from the Columbia...
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About Me

I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsiderInc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…

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