There are many reasons to consider signing up for a business credit card for your company. Whether you are a freelancer, small-business owner, entrepreneur or head of a global enterprise, you can enjoy the benefits of a business card. With business credit cards, you get the benefit of greater payback flexibility and enhanced fraud protection. A small-business credit...
The year is already halfway finished, making now the perfect time for business owners to assess their progress with strategic and financial goals. While qualitative analysis can be helpful, performing quantitative analysis to look at elements such as business cash flow is crucial. This means you’ll need to track your budget to determine whether your...
Many companies are taking part in a major digital transformation, redesigning vendor payment processes from traditional paper methods to digital payment solutions. The benefits of going digital are far reaching, affecting departments from HR to marketing to sales. Companies may find themselves saving time and money, improving speed and experiencing greater accuracy. There are many steps...
No one works harder for your business than you. It’s your baby, and you put in the blood, sweat and tears to make it a success. Of course, it’s not just your effort that propels a business toward success. You must hire incredible talent and use the most effective tools and technology to power your...
If a company’s goal is to increase profits, the answer isn’t always “increase revenue.” Instead, maybe your expenses are the real barrier between you and greater profitability. Often, business owners think, “If I could just make more money, then I could cover all the costs and finally increase my profit margin.” In reality, you might...
About Me
I am a tech writer and journalist for more than 20 years who contributes to several respected online publications including BusinessInsider, Inc., and Entrepreneur. In addition to journalism, writing about social good companies…