New Meme: The “Dick Chicken”

Here’s another classic post from This one went live in December of 2009. The “dick chicken” trend never captured the popular imagination, near as we can tell.
It’s rare these days that you come upon a new meme in its infancy — or to be honest just another bizarre oddity that makes you laugh a little while consuming alcoholic beverages at the local watering hole.
I was carousing at Murio’s on Haight Street in San Francisco a little while back with my buddies Kevin and David when some dude with a PBR 24 ounce made all friendly with us. In addition to telling us why he had moved out to San Francisco from the Valley of the Sun in Arizona, he made mention of the dick chicken. “The what?” you say. Why the picture in this post of course.
The guy was a little unsure of where it all began, and quite frankly because of my Pabst-induced silliness I’m not all that sure what the heck he even said. But he had a button on his sweatshirt to prove that the meme exists and i captured it on my Blackberry for you to see.
I had to do a Google search and I found one site that had a picture of the phallic bird on the streets of Brooklyn. The Urban Dictionary has a couple of very explicit definitions.
A Brooklyn neighborhood paper reported that the meme is originally the work of a street artist who actually has become so popular that at least one art show focusing on the Dick Chicken has been held. “Maybe it is about whimsy, the idea that something can affect you on a base level. You can laugh and dance and play, without looking for meaning, like when you hear a good song. … Maybe it’s about none of those things.” Maybe all these people who say Brooklyn is filled with Hipsters now are telling the truth, because this seems suspiciously like hipster activity to me.