4 Reasons Why Your Boss Isn’t Thinking About Promoting You

Let’s say you or someone you know at a start-up wants a promotion. Entrepreneurs often stay motivated to grow in their careers, and promotions are part of growth in the workplace.
There are differences between someone who simply wishes to be promoted and someone who is actively seeking a promotion. Many times, someone with more merit will be looked over in favor of someone who’s been campaigning for a promotion. Many brilliant people who tend to be shy and introverted often do not convey that brilliance to their peers. Therefore, supervisors and managers don’t always see all the good work they do.
Here are four reasons why start-up bosses are not thinking about granting those promotions, even to very deserving candidates:
You like where you are and your boss sees that.
First of all, are you expressing your ambition to mentors and co-workers? Sure, things are going great at your start-up. Maybe you’ve established job security. Maybe you like the free coffee at the local start-up incubator. Furthermore, you get along well with your co-workers (most of the time) and your projects are yielding better than expected returns.
As a result, you may be a state of satisfaction, contentment or complacency. Consequently, your boss isn’t thinking about handing you a promotion. If you want it, bring it up. More on that in a bit.
You aren’t taking ownership of your successes.
Your successes are only worth something to your career if your bosses know about them. Therefore, you must find a way to market yourself. Why do photographers and models keep portfolios? Portfolios are tangible records of success. Find a way to record your work. Portfolio your start-up successes, and in a casual way, make sure your boss pays attention to them. Your start-up boss is likely even more busy than you are, and humans easily forget. Therefore, do not be afraid to remind your busy bosses of your good work and how granting you a promotion will mean more success for the company.
You currently have no room for growth.
Can your start-up even afford to promote you? How can you gauge this? Do you see room for growth in your current situation? Are you prepared to entrench yourself in your start-up and battle for your promotions and future successes? Outshine your competition in the eyes of your boss. Gauge whether you can grow in the time frame you set for yourself. If your current position will not let you grow, take responsibility of your situation and maybe seek other options.
You simply never asked for a promotion.
Notice how each point started with the word “you?” Many people don’t take ownership of the situation they’ve put themselves in. They toil away for years assuming that their oblivious boss will reward them. As a result, they don’t advance.
When you start taking responsibility, you’ll know that you are the one at the steering wheel of your career. So, ask your bosses, email your bosses, meet with them, call them, holler and use smoke signals. Now’s not the time to get shy.
Above all, know that each piece of advice here is part of a greater philosophy. Don’t get stuck on one point and ignore others. Reflect on all four points and find a way to act upon them in your workplace. Understanding advice is not nearly as important as taking action.
So, what the heck are you waiting for? Go and get that promotion. Send yourself and your start-up to the big leagues.