3 Reasons Why You Should Join CalChamber

If you own a small business in California, you’re not alone. The U.S. Business Administration Office of Advocacy reports there are now 3.9 million small businesses in California. They employ approximately seven million people. Your network of small business owners in the golden state shares similar goals and values. Beyond that circle, you can tap support and resources like the California Chamber of Commerce. CalChamber works to help California businesses succeed. There are numerous reasons why a California business should become a member of CalChamber.
Here are three beneficial ways that a CalChamber membership is an ideal investment for you to make:
You can receive assistance with business compliance.
With a robust regulatory environment around businesses, it’s important to stay on top of the ever-evolving list of compliance requirements. Rather than spending hours researching all the possible compliance areas that affect your business, become a member of CalChamber. It gives you access to the most current compliance information to help protect employees and consumers.
The information includes white papers and webinars. Also, it includes cases that show what happens when you’re not compliant. Additionally, it shows how you can ensure you address all current regulations. CalChamber’s “Local Ordinances” section describes additional compliance areas applicable to your local city or county.
Also, the “Laws that Apply to Your Organization” page provides an easy-to-understand resource about laws you need to comply with based on the size of your business. This page covers laws related to affirmative action, discrimination, privacy and more.
Work with a business advocate at CalChamber.
CalChamber’s goal is to help develop, grow, and sustain California businesses. It focuses on influencing state policy makers in relation to legislation that impacts your business.
The “Legislative Action Center” offers a way for you to stay updated and actively involved. The Center has a way for you to submit your opinion to your elected officials about pending legislation. You can electronically submit the letter, as well as samples that help direct how you can share your opinion. This platform provides you, and other small business owners, an opportunity to make your voice known.
Information on legislation is also provided through many content channels, including newsletters, such as “Inside the Capitol” and “Council For International Trade Update.” These newsletters arrive in your email box on a weekly basis. You can also receive daily updates should legislative issues or changes arise that immediately impact your business.
Sign up and get your no-obligation trial membership here.
Get HR resource material.
Human resources requires a significant amount of time and due diligence. It’s about ensuring that you’re doing everything possible to treat your staff fairly and abide by all the rules and regulations associated with having employees.
CalChamber provides a wealth of information in its HR Library, covering topics like recruiting and hiring, benefits, discrimination, harassment, disabilities and accessibility, and workplace safety. Each topic provides current legislation information and rules, as well as forms (policies, agreements, quizzes, etc.), tools, cases, news, and Q&A.
Members can also call CalChamber’s Labor Law Helpline for employment and human resources issues. The service helps business owners see whether they really need a lawyer. Therefore, it helps save thousands of dollars in legal fees for advice and info.
CalChamber collects all necessary information to help you make informed HR decisions, as well as take next steps. For example, there are articles on how to create an employee handbook, a new hire guide, salary calculator, sample job descriptions for your recruiting process, and workplace posters. CalChamber also has an HR Calendar that provides tips of the day, reminders on important dates, and information on upcoming Webinars and educational events.
For instance, here are just a few great links to help you understand the value that CalChamber delivers to the business owner or HR professional:
Leave Interaction Wizard https://hrcalifornia.calchamber.com/forms-tools/wizards/leave-interaction-wizard
Exempt/Nonexempt Wizard
Laws that Apply to Your Organization
New Hire Guide
Try CalChamber for free.
CalChamber has a no-obligation trial membership that gives you access to may of the benefits listed above for 15 days. So, by sharing your email address, you’ll experience a comprehensive level of support, knowledge, and resources. Above all, designed to help you make the most informed decisions related to your business, workplace, and team.
Image by Itsara Khajhonsakchutikul from Pixabay